Making Your Own Homemade Ice Cream Recipe in 2023

4 min readJan 27, 2023


In daily life, we eat several foods and recipes according to our taste and menu. One such recipe is ice cream that you can prepare easily at your home. What an amazing and funny quote depicts the importance of ice cream , “A world where ice cream doesn’t exist, is a world of anarchy and disorder.”

Homemade Ice Creams

Making homemade ice cream is a fun and delicious way to enjoy a summer treat with your family and friends. Not only is it a fun activity to do with your family or friends, but it also allows you to control the ingredients and avoid any unwanted additives or preservatives found as well as tips and variations to make the process even more enjoyable.

The Basic Ingredients

The basic ingredients for homemade ice cream include cream, sugar, and eggs. You will also need some flavorings, such as vanilla extract or fruit puree, and any additional mix-ins, such as chocolate chips or nuts. It depends upon the recipe, that may also need an ice cream maker or a plastic bag and some rock salt.

Procedure to Prepare

The first step in making homemade ice cream is to mix the cream, sugar, and eggs in a large mixing bowl. You can use heavy cream or a combination of heavy cream and whole milk, depending on your desired level of richness. The sugar can be granulated or powdered, but it should be dissolved completely to avoid any graininess in the final product. The eggs are optional, but they will help to create a custard-like texture that is the characteristics of traditional ice cream.

Next, when the cream mixture is smooth, you can add in your flavorings and mix-ins. Vanilla extract is a classic choice, but you can also use other flavors such as mint, coffee, or chocolate. You can also add in fruit purees such as strawberry or blueberry, for a refreshing and natural taste. Mix-ins such as chocolate chips or nuts can be added at this stage for a crunchy texture.

After all the ingredients are mixed, it’s time to chill the mixture in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours or overnight. Chilling the mixture will help to thicken it and make it easy to churn.

Different kinds of homemade ice creams

What if you have an ice cream maker?

If you have an ice cream maker, you can now churn the mixture according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

What if you don’t have an ice cream maker?

If you don’t have an ice cream maker, you can still make homemade ice cream using a plastic bag and some rock salt. To do this, fill a gallon-sized plastic bag halfway with the mixture and seal it tightly. Place the bag inside a larger plastic bag and fill it with ice and rock salt. Shake the bags vigorously for about 15–20 minutes, or until the ice cream has thickened and hardened.

What to do when the ice cream is churned or shaken?

Once the ice cream is churned or shaken, you can transfer it to a container and freeze it for at least 2 hours or until it is firm and thick. If you prefer a softer texture, you can serve it immediately after churning or shaking.

Variations of homemade ice cream

ONE variation of homemade ice cream is to make sorbet. Sorbet is similar to ice cream but it doesn’t require any cream or eggs. Instead, you can use fruit juice or puree as the base and sugar sweeten it. The process is the same, just mix the ingredients, chill, churn or shake as you do with ice cream.

ANOTHER variation is to make ice cream with different types of milk, like almond milk, soy milk or coconut milk, for a different flavor and texture. You can also make ice cream with yogurt for a tangy flavor or with condensed milk for a creamy and sweet flavor.

The Final Thoughts

Making homemade ice cream is a fun and easy activity that the whole family can enjoy. With the basic steps and ingredients outlined in this article, someone can create delicious and unique ice cream flavors in the comfort of your own home. Whether you prefer traditional vanilla or something more adventurous like strawberry-basil, the possibilities are endless




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